Senin, 21 Desember 2009
Parenting classes
Parenting Classes . You can get course how to solve conflict in your family. For the first time in this parent classes, you may try free E course. This free E course containt 8 emails in one series that delivered about two a week. After that you can get live online course with proffesional instructor. This site is the excellent site to learn how to manage conflict with your child.Read More ..
Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009
Free checking accounts is provided by the bank to drum and boost up their new business by various methods. This method helps the banks to get customers in the door. It is a way through which some of the banks try to capture other assets and business of some of the customers too if they don’t check out the agreements thoroughly. So always go through the agreements very clearly and try to be transparent with your bank accounts.
Free checking are ideal best checking accounts to use with online banking, giving you maximum convenience with minimal problems, easy to maintain and deal with no with no risk. You can secure your future by planning and taking a right decision in your present, so plan according to your comfort and take a right decision to secure your and yours family future forever and live a happy life.Read More ..
Jumat, 11 Desember 2009
Kamis, 10 Desember 2009
kawat gigi
Apabila ditilik dari kegunaannya, behel digunakan untuk memperbaiki gigi yang letaknya tidak pada tempatnya, bertumpu dan berjejalan sehingga kekurangan tempat, tumbuh terlalu jarang yang akibatkan ada celah diantara gigi atau bahkan letaknya terlalu maju serta mundur. Hal inilah yang mengakibatkan tidak semua orang membutuhkan behel. Karena kondisi gigi yang tidak rata, maka bisa diperbaiki dan dibantu oleh kawat gigi atau behel.
Masalah pada gigi biasanya disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah genetik. Gigi yang berjejal atau jarang-jarang biasanya dikarenakan faktor keturunan atau genetik. Tapi bisa juga diakibatkan tindakan pencabutan gigi sehingga ada ruang kosong di mulut. Gigi yang terlalu maju bisa dikarenakan kebiasaan waktu kecil yang senang nge-dot atau menghisap jempol. Atau bisa juga karena kebiasaan menelah ludah dengan lidah mendorong gigi ke arah depan.
Perawatan dengan kawat gigi bisa dilakukan sejak usia 8 tahun. Yang terpenting saat memasang kawat gigi, harus dijaga kebersihan giginya agar selalu higienis. Bila gigi yang sudah rata dan tetap dipasang behel maka akan mengakibatkan bentuk gigi menjadi aneh.
Sebelum kawat gigi dipasang, biasanya dokter menentukan masalahnya seperti cetakan model gigi, memotret, merontgen gigi, kepala, serta wajah pasien. Hal ini dilakukan agar perawatan benar-benar sempurna dan bisa diteliti permasalahannya secara seksama. Setelah itu barulah ditentukan apa yang terbaik untuk pasien.
Foto wajah penting sekali karena berpengaruh pada profil wajah seseorang setelah berhasil menggunakan kawat. Karena kawat akan mengubah wajah, maka pasien harus tahu wajahnya sebelum dan sesudah memakai kawat gigi. Perencanaan itu harus dipaparkan pada pasien agar mereka tahu masalah dan bagaimana tindakan yang dilakukan dokter. Termasuk estimasi biaya, mulai dari harga kawat, biaya kontrol, biaya penggantian kawat dan pemeliharaan sesudah kawat dilepas.
Sebaiknya pasien juga memiliki salinan dari perencanaan tertulis tersebut. Sehingga, baik bagi pasien maupun dokter, bisa mencapai kepuasan yang seimbang. Jangan sampai nanti ada pihak yang merasa dirugikan. Sebab pemasangan kawat ini lumayan lama, sekitar 1-2 tahun lamanya. Perencanaan seperti ini bersifat claim, untuk mengantisipasi jika terjadi apa-apa.
Untuk pasien yang memiliki gigi berlubang, harus dilakukan perawatan penambalan gigi dulu sebelum dipasangi kawat. Jadi, pada saat memakai kawat, gigi-giginya sudah bersih dan kondisinya baik semuanya. Saat pertama kali kawat gigi dipasang, ada beberapa keluhan yang akan dirasakan pasien. Yang paling sering rasa sakit pada saat alat mulai diaktikfkan, selama 1-2 hari. Tapi tidak semua orang merasakannya. Ada juga yang menderita sariawan di sekitar mulutnya. Mungkin karena alatnya terlalu tajam. Tapi ini dapat diminimalkan.
Jenis dan sistem behel ada yang terbuat dari metal atau clear (transparan yang berwarna seperti warna gigi). Biasanya clear terbuat dari bahan composite, porselin atau plastik. Yang paling banyak digunakan di Indonesia kawat dari metal dan composite.
Apapun bahan yang dipilih, yang terpenting adalah sistemnya. Karena setiap sistem akan menentukan mahal atau murahnya harga kawat gigi. Yang paling sering dipakai jenis kawat gigi dengan sistem straight wire atau conventional bracket. Sedangkan sistem bracket yang harganya paling mahal adalah sistem damon. Sistem damon merupakan sistem bracket yang paling baru dan mahal. p2tRead More ..
Rabu, 02 Desember 2009
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Selasa, 01 Desember 2009
now there is a good solution for it, in you can solve the problem.
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Algebratoor software is very easy in use, by filling anda.Algebratoor problem can solve it and explain each one that you do not understandRead More ..
Kamis, 19 November 2009
Cara Setting Ke blogspot
Buat temen2 yang belum pada daftar di, silahkan daftar dulu disini. Kalo belum tau cara buat domain-nya, silahkan baca disini. Nah..buat yang udah punya domain di trus belum di apa-apain / di setting, silahkan lanjutin bacanya...
Daftar Here
Langkah 1
* Login di
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Kemudian isi kolom yang ada di zone record sesuai gambar di bawah kemudian klik "setup"
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- Klik "Pengaturan" lalu pilih tab "Publikasikan"
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- Pada kolom isian domain anda, masukan "" jangan lupa ubah nama domainnya.
- Pada "gunakan host file yang hilang" biarkan saja. Langsung masukan "verifikasi kata" lalu klik simpan pengaturan
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Klick Di sini untuk mendaftar Here
Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009
Tand Tand
hanya mw tes SEO dengan kata Tand
supaya kata tand di posisi pertama
kata kunci tand bisa mendongkrak posisi gua di google gak yah?
Moga2 dengan keyword
Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009
kaset DVD update terbaru
- Guitar Hero World Tour - 2 dvd - Music Game
- Fairy Tales Three Heroes - 1 dvd - Adventure
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising - 2 dvd - RTS
- Cryostasis the sleep of reason - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
- Empire Total War - 2 dvd - RTS
- CID the Dummy - 1 dvd - Action
- Mercenaries 2 World in Flames - 2 dvd - Action Adventure
- Need For Speed Carbon - 1 dvd - Racing
- Need For Speed Underground 2 - 1 dvd - Racing
- Need For Speed Most Wanted - 1 dvd - Racing
- Final Fantasy XII ( Emulator ) - 1 dvd - RPG
- Company of Heroes : Tales of Valor - 2 dvd - RTS
- The Secret Of Monkey Island Special Edition - 1 dvd - Adventure
- Spore Galactic Adventures - 1 dvd - Strategy
- Necrovision - 2 dvd - Fantasy First Person Shooter
- FUEL - 1 dvd - Racing
- Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs - 1 dvd - Adventure
- Anno 1404 Dawn Of Discovery - 1 dvd - RTS
- Virtua Tennis 2009 - 1 dvd - Sports
- Street Fighter IV - 1 dvd - Fighting Arcade
- Monsters Vs Aliens - 2 dvd - Action
- Call of Juarez II : Bound In Blood - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
- Overlord II - 2 dvd - Adventure
- Call Of Duty 5 World At War - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
- Transformer 2 Revenge Of The Fallen - 2 dvd - Sci Fi Adventure
- Ghost Buster The Video Game - 2 dvd - Action
- Prototype - 2 dvd - Action
List Game Update 03 Agustus 2009
7 Sins - 1 dvd - Simulator
25 To Life - 1 dvd - Action Shooter
A Vampyre Story - 1 dvd - Adventure
Act Of War - 2 dvd - Strategy
Advent Rising - 1 dvd - Action
Age Of Empires 3 - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Age Of Empires III : The Asian Dynasties - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Age Of Mythology - 1 dvd - RTS
Alone In The Dark 2008 - 2 dvd - Action Adventure Horror
Ancient Wars Sparta - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Anno 1404 Dawn Of Discovery - 1 dvd - RTS
Anno 1701 - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Art Of Murder : Fbi Confidential Thinpack - 1 dvd - Adventure
Artificial Girl 2 - 1 dvd - Action
Assassins creed 2007 - 2 dvd - Action Adventure Stealth
Audition Ayo Dance Offline - 1 dvd - Action
Axis & Allies - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Barbie As The Island Princess - 1 dvd - Action
Battlefield 2 - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Battlestation Midway - 2 dvd - Historic Real Time Strategy
Bet On Soldier : Blood of Sahara - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Bioshock - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Blacksite Area 51 - 3 dvd - First Person Shooter
Blazing Angels - 1 dvd - Simulation
Blazing Angels 2 ; Secret Missions Of WW II - 1 dvd - Simulation
Blitzkrieg : Anthology - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Blitzkrieg 2 - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Brothers In Arms;Earned In Blood - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Brothers In Arms;Hell's Highway - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Bully Scholarship Edition - 1 dvd - Action
Burnout Paradise : The Ultimate Box - 1 dvd - Racing
Cabela’s Big Game Hunter - 1 dvd - Sports
Caesar IV - 1 dvd - City Building
Call of Duty -2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Call of Duty 2 - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Limited Edition - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Call Of Duty 5 World At War - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Call Of Juarez - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Call of Juarez II : Bound in Blood - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Civil war - secret missions - 1 dvd - Action
Cleopatra A Queens Destiny - 1 dvd - Action Adventure
Clive Barker 's Jericho - 1 dvd - Horror First Person Shooter
Close combat - 1 dvd - Strategy
Code Of Honor 2; Conspiracy Island - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Command And Conquer ; Red Alert 3 - 2 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising - 2 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Command Conquer 3 : Kane's Wrath - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Command Conquer 3 ; Tiberium Wars Kane - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Commandos Strike Force - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Company Of Heroes - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Company Of Heroes : Opposing Fronts - 2 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Company of Heroes : Tales of Valor - 2 dvd - Real Time Strategy
CID the Dummy - 1 dvd - Action
Conflict Denied Ops - 1 dvd - Shooter
Counter Strike Condition Zero - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Cryostasis the sleep of reason - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Crysis - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Crysis Warhead - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
CSI : Hard Evidence - 1 dvd - Adventure
Damnation - 2 dvd - Third Person Shooter
Dark Horizon - 1 dvd - Simulation
Dark Sector - 2 dvd - Action
Dead Space - 2 dvd - Third Person Action
Deadliest Catch Alaskan Storm - 1 dvd - Simulation
Deer Hunter - 1 dvd - Sports
Demigod - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Devil May Cry 3 - 1 dvd - Action
Devil May Cry 4 - 2 dvd - Action
Die Guilde 2 Venedig - 1 dvd - Adventure
Dimensity - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
DOOM 3 + Expansion Resurrection Of Evil - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Dracula 3 - 1 dvd - Adventure
Drakensang: The Dark Eye - 1 dvd - RPG
Dungeon & Dragon Dragonshard - 1 dvd - RTS
Dynasty Warriors 6 - 1 dvd - Action
Elven Legacy - 1 dvd - Strategy Fantasy
Empire Earth 3 - 2 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Enemy Territory Quake Wars - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Empire Total War - 2 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Escape Paradise City - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Evil Island Curse of The Lost Soul - 1 dvd - RPG
Exodus From The Earth - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Fable : The Lost Chapter - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Faces Of War - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy Historic
Fairy Tales Three Heroes - 1 dvd - Adventure
Fallout 3 - 2 dvd - Action Role Playing Game
Fantasy Wars - 1 dvd - Strategy
Farcry - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Farcry 2 - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Fear : First Encounter Assault Recon - 1 dvd - Horror First Person Shooter
Fear : Perseus Mandate - 1 dvd - Horror First Person Shooter
Fear 2 : Project Origin - 3 dvd - Horror FPS
Fenimore - 1 dvd - Adventure
FIFA 2008 - 1 dvd - Sports
Fifa 2009 - 2 dvd - Sports
FIFA Manager 2009 - 1 dvd - Simulation Sports
Final Fantasy XII ( Emulator ) - 1 dvd - RPG
Flatout 2 - 1 dvd - Racing
Flatout Ultimate Carnage - 1 dvd - Racing
Football Manager 2009 - 1 dvd - Simulation Sports
Frontline-Fields Of Thunder - 1 dvd - Strategy
Frontlines Fuel Of War - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
FUEL - 1 dvd - Racing
Galactic civilization II Ultimate - 1 dvd - Strategy
Gear Of Wars - 2 dvd - Third Person Shooter
Ghost Buster The Video Game - 2 dvd - Action
Ghost Reacon 2 : Advanced Warfighter - 1 dvd - Tactical Shooter
Godfather - 2 dvd - Action
Gothic 3 - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Gothic 3 : Forsaken Gods - 1 dvd - Action Role Playing Game
Grand Theft Auto IV - 4 dvd - Action
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - 1 dvd - Action
Grand Theft Auto Vice City - 1 dvd - Action
Gtr Evolution - 2 dvd - Racing
Guitar Hero 3 Legends Of Rock - 1 dvd - Music Game
Guitar Hero World Tour - 2 dvd - Music Game
Hardy Boys : The Hidden Theft - 1 dvd - Adventure
Harry Potter The Order Of The Phoenix - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Helldorado - 1 dvd - Strategy
Hellgate London - 2 dvd Action - Role Playing Game
Heroes Of Anihilated Empires - 1 dvd - RPG & RTS
Hotel Giant 2 - 1 dvd - Simulation
Hoyle Casino 2009 - 1 dvd - Cards & Casino
Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs - 1 dvd - Adventure
Igor - 1 dvd - Action Adventure
Imperium Romanum - 1 dvd - City Building
Ironman - 1 dvd - Action
Jade Empire Special Edition - 2 dvd - Role Playing Game
Kane And Lynch Dead Men - 2 dvd - Third Person
Left 4 Dead - 1 dvd - Horror First Person Shooter
Legendary - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Lego Batman - 1 dvd - Action
Lego Indiana Jones - 1 dvd - Action
Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust - 1 dvd - Action
Lord of the Rings II - The Battle for Middle-Earth - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
The Secret Of Monkey Island Special Edition - 1 dvd - Adventure
Lost Planet Extreme Condition - 2 dvd - Third Person Shooter
Medieval Total War II (Expansion) - 2 dvd - Real Time Tactic Turn Base
Mercenaries 2 World in Flames - 2 dvd - Action Adventure
Mirror's Edge - 2 dvd - Action
Monsters VS Aliens - 2 dvd - Action
Moto GP 2008 - 1 dvd - Racing
My Sims - 1 dvd - Life Simulation
Narnia ; Prince Caspian - 1 dvd - Action Adventure
Necrovision - 2 dvd - Fantasy First Person Shooter
Need For Speed Carbon - 1 dvd - Racing
Need For Speed Most Wanted - 1 dvd - Racing
Need For Speed Undercover - 2 dvd - Racing
Need For Speed Underground 2 - 1 dvd - Racing
Need For Speed Pro Street - 2 dvd - Racing
Neverwinter Nights 2 : Storm of Zehir Expansion - 2 dvd - Role Playing Game
Nikopol - 1 dvd - Adventure
Obscure II - 1 dvd - Survival Horror
Operation Flash Point Cold War Crysis + EXP - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
OutCry - 1 dvd - Adventure
Overlord II - 2 dvd - Action
Pro Evolusion Soccer 2009 - 2 dvd - Sports
Prototype - 2 dvd - Action
Pure - 2 dvd - Racing
Quantum of Solace - 2 dvd - Action
Race Driver Grid - 2 dvd - Racing
Resident Evil 4 - 1 dvd - Horror Adventure
Rhiannon - 1 dvd - Adventure
Rise of The Argonauts - 2 dvd - Role Playing Game
Romance and Three Kingdom XI - 1 dvd - Strategy
Sango 2 - 1 dvd - Strategy
SAS Secure Tomorrow - 1 dvd - Shooter
Secret Service - 1 dvd - Modern Action Adventure
Shrek’s : Carnival Craze - 1 dvd - Arcade
Silent Hill Homecoming - 2 dvd - Survival Horror
Spiderman - 1 dvd - Action
Spore - 1 dvd - Strategy
Spore : Creepy & Cute - 1 dvd - Strategy
Spore Galactic Adventures - 1 dvd - Strategy
Stalin vs Martian - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Stalker ; clear sky - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Steel Fury - 1 dvd - Strategy
Still Life 2 - 1 dvd - Action
Street Fighter IV - 1 dvd - 3D Fighting
Terminator Salvation - 2 dvd - Action
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion - 1 dvd - Action Oriented RPG
The Hell in Vietnam - 1 dvd - Action Adventure
The Last Remnant - 3 dvd - Role Playing Game
The Legend Of Heroes / Sora No Kiseki - 1 dvd - RPG
The Settlers - Heritage Of King - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
The Sim 2 ; Apartement live - 1 dvd - Life Simulation
The Sim 2 ; Deluxe - 1 dvd - Life Simulation
The Sims 2 : Bon Voyage - 1 dvd - Life Simulation
The Sims 3 - 2 dvd - Life Simulation
The Witcher - 3 dvd - Action Role Playing Game
Titan Quest - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Titan Quest Immortal Throne - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Tomb Rider Underworld - 2 dvd - Action Adventure
Top Spin 2 - 1 dvd - Sports
Transformer 2 Revenge Of The Fallen - 2 dvd - Sci Fi Adventure
Trine - 1 dvd - Fantasy Action Adventure
Velvet Assassin - 2 dvd - Stealth Action Game
Virtua Tennis 2009 - 1 dvd - Sports
Wall-E - 1 dvd - Action
Wanted Weapons of Fate - 1 dvd - Action
WarCraft III : Reign of Chaos + DaemonCraft - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Warhammer 40,000 : Dawn of War II - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
X-Blades - 1 dvd - Action
X-men Origin Wolverine - 2 dvd - Action
YS VI - The Arc of Napishtim - 1 dvd - RPG
YS VII - The Oath of Fleghana - 1 dvd - RPG
Zeno Clash - 1 dvd - Action
Harga 8 Rb/Dvd
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Untuk pemesanan :
Hubungi David Tandean
HP : 08192509922
YM : davidtandean11
YM : davin.tand
Facebook : tandclub@gmail.com
Selasa, 14 Juli 2009
Sobat blogger, ayo vote Pulau Komodo menjadi salah satu New 7 Wonders of Nature, sebagai informasi urutan pertama kini ditempati Grand Canyon disusul Mount Everest dan Danau Loch Ness. Untuk memilih Pulau Komodo, sobat langsung aja ke klik Vote, pilih Asia dan pilih Pulau Komodo sebagai urutan pertama dari 7 pilihan. Vote Pulau Komodo Now !!!….Read More ..
Jumat, 10 Juli 2009
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mudah kan…kalo mengalami kesulitan silahkan isi di kotak komentar
Kamis, 09 Juli 2009
Kaset Game
New Games Available :
- Street Fighter IV - 1 dvd - 3D Fighting
- Monsters VS Aliens - 2 dvd - Action
- Call of Juarez II : Bound in Blood - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
- Overlord II - 2 dvd - Adventure
- Call Of Duty 5 World At War - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
- Transformer 2 Revenge Of The Fallen - 2 dvd - Sci Fi Adventure
- Ghost Buster The Video Game - 2 dvd - Action
- Velvet Assassin - 2 dvd - Stealth Action Game
- Prototype - 2 dvd - Action
- Fear 2 : Project Origin - 3 dvd - Horror FPS
- Damnation - 2 dvd - Third Person Shooter
- Elven Legacy - 1 dvd - Strategy Fantasy
- Lost Planet Extreme Condition - 2 dvd - Third Person Shooter
- Rise of The Argonauts - 2 dvd - Role Playing Game
- Helldorado - 1 dvd - Strategy
List Game Update 6 Juli 2009
7 Sins - 1 dvd - Simulator
25 To Life - 1 dvd - Action Shooter
A Vampyre Story - 1 dvd - Adventure
Act Of War - 2 dvd - Strategy
Advent Rising - 1 dvd - Action
Age Of Empires 3 - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Age Of Empires III : The Asian Dynasties - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Alone In The Dark 2008 - 2 dvd - Action Adventure Horror
Ancient Wars Sparta - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Anno 1701 - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Art Of Murder : Fbi Confidential Thinpack - 1 dvd - Adventure
Artificial Girl 2 - 1 dvd - Action
Assassins creed 2007 - 2 dvd - Action Adventure Stealth
Audition Ayo Dance Offline - 1 dvd - Action
Axis & Allies - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Barbie As The Island Princess - 1 dvd - Action
Battlefield 2 - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Battlestation Midway - 2 dvd - Historic Real Time Strategy
Bet On Soldier : Blood of Sahara - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Bioshock - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Blacksite Area 51 - 3 dvd - First Person Shooter
Blazing Angels - 1 dvd - Simulation
Blazing Angels 2 ; Secret Missions Of WW II - 1 dvd - Simulation
Blitzkrieg : Anthology - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Blitzkrieg 2 - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Brothers In Arms;Earned In Blood - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Brothers In Arms;Hell's Highway - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Bully Scholarship Edition - 1 dvd - Action
Burnout Paradise : The Ultimate Box - 1 dvd - Racing
Cabela’s Big Game Hunter - 1 dvd - Sports
Caesar IV - 1 dvd - City Building
Call of Duty -2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Call of Duty 2 - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Limited Edition - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Call Of Duty 5 World At War - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Call Of Juarez - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Call of Juarez II : Bound in Blood - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Civil war - secret missions - 1 dvd - Action
Cleopatra A Queens Destiny - 1 dvd - Action Adventure
Clive Barker 's Jericho - 1 dvd - Horror First Person Shooter
Close combat - 1 dvd - Strategy
Code Of Honor 2; Conspiracy Island - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Command And Conquer ; Red Alert 3 - 2 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Command Conquer 3 : Kane's Wrath - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Command Conquer 3 ; Tiberium Wars Kane - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Commandos Strike Force - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Company Of Heroes - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Company Of Heroes : Opposing Fronts - 2 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Conflict Denied Ops - 1 dvd - Shooter
Counter Strike Condition Zero - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Crysis - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Crysis Warhead - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
CSI : Hard Evidence - 1 dvd - Adventure
Damnation - 2 dvd - Third Person Shooter
Dark Horizon - 1 dvd - Simulation
Dark Sector - 2 dvd - Action
Dead Space - 2 dvd - Third Person Action
Deadliest Catch Alaskan Storm - 1 dvd - Simulation
Deer Hunter - 1 dvd - Sports
Demigod - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Devil May Cry 3 - 1 dvd - Action
Devil May Cry 4 - 2 dvd - Action
Die Guilde 2 Venedig - 1 dvd - Adventure
Dimensity - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Dracula 3 - 1 dvd - Adventure
Dynasty Warriors 6 - 1 dvd - Action
Elven Legacy - 1 dvd - Strategy Fantasy
Empire Earth 3 - 2 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Enemy Territory Quake Wars - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Escape Paradise City - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Exodus From The Earth - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Fable : The Lost Chapter - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Faces Of War - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy Historic
Fallout 3 - 2 dvd - Action Role Playing Game
Fantasy Wars - 1 dvd - Strategy
Farcry - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Farcry 2 - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Fear : First Encounter Assault Recon - 1 dvd - Horror First Person Shooter
Fear : Perseus Mandate - 1 dvd - Horror First Person Shooter
Fear 2 : Project Origin - 3 dvd - Horror FPS
Fenimore - 1 dvd - Adventure
FIFA 2008 - 1 dvd - Sports
Fifa 2009 - 2 dvd - Sports
FIFA Manager 2009 - 1 dvd - Simulation Sports
Flatout 2 - 1 dvd - Racing
Flatout Ultimate Carnage - 1 dvd - Racing
Football Manager 2009 - 1 dvd - Simulation Sports
Frontline-Fields Of Thunder - 1 dvd - Strategy
Frontlines Fuel Of War - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Galactic civilization II Ultimate - 1 dvd - Strategy
Gear Of Wars - 2 dvd - Third Person Shooter
Ghost Buster The Video Game - 2 dvd - Action
Ghost Reacon 2 : Advanced Warfighter - 1 dvd - Tactical Shooter
Godfather - 2 dvd - Action
Gothic 3 - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Gothic 3 : Forsaken Gods - 1 dvd - Action Role Playing Game
Grand Theft Auto IV - 4 dvd - Action
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - 1 dvd - Action
Grand Theft Auto Vice City - 1 dvd - Action
Gtr Evolution - 2 dvd - Racing
Hardy Boys : The Hidden Theft - 1 dvd - Adventure
Harry Potter The Order Of The Phoenix - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Helldorado - 1 dvd - Strategy
Hellgate London - 2 dvd Action - Role Playing Game
Heroes Of Anihilated Empires - 1 dvd - RPG & RTS
Hotel Giant 2 - 1 dvd - Simulation
Igor - 1 dvd - Action Adventure
Imperium Romanum - 1 dvd - City Building
Ironman - 1 dvd - Action
Jade Empire Special Edition - 2 dvd - Role Playing Game
Left 4 Dead - 1 dvd - Horror First Person Shooter
Legendary - 2 dvd - First Person Shooter
Lego Batman - 1 dvd - Action
Lego Indiana Jones - 1 dvd - Action
Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust - 1 dvd - Action
Lord of the Rings II - The Battle for Middle-Earth - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Lost Planet Extreme Condition - 2 dvd - Third Person Shooter
Medieval Total War II (Expansion) - 2 dvd - Real Time Tactic Turn Base
Mercenaries 2 - 1 dvd - Third Person Adventure
Mirror's Edge - 2 dvd - Action
Monsters VS Aliens - 2 dvd - Action
Moto GP 2008 - 1 dvd - Racing
My Sims - 1 dvd - Life Simulation
Narnia ; Prince Caspian - 1 dvd - Action Adventure
Need For Speed Undercover - 1 dvd - Racing
Need For Speed Pro Street - 2 dvd - Racing
Neverwinter Nights 2 : Storm of Zehir Expansion - 2 dvd - Role Playing Game
Nikopol - 1 dvd - Adventure
Obscure II - 1 dvd - Survival Horror
OutCry - 1 dvd - Adventure
Overlord II - 2 dvd - Action
Pro Evolusion Soccer 2009 - 2 dvd - Sports
Prototype - 2 dvd - Action
Pure - 2 dvd - Racing
Quantum of Solace - 2 dvd - Action
Race Driver Grid - 1 dvd - Racing
Resident Evil 4 - 1 dvd - Horror Adventure
Rhiannon - 1 dvd - Adventure
Rise of The Argonauts - 2 dvd - Role Playing Game
Romance and Three Kingdom XI - 1 dvd - Strategy
Sango 2 - 1 dvd - Strategy
SAS Secure Tomorrow - 1 dvd - Shooter
Secret Service - 1 dvd - Modern Action Adventure
Shrek’s : Carnival Craze - 1 dvd - Arcade
Silent Hill Homecoming - 2 dvd - Survival Horror
Spiderman - 1 dvd - Action
Spore - 1 dvd - Strategy
Spore : Creepy & Cute - 1 dvd - Strategy
Stalin vs Martian - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Stalker ; clear sky - 1 dvd - First Person Shooter
Steel Fury - 1 dvd - Strategy
Still Life 2 - 1 dvd - Action
Street Fighter IV - 1 dvd - 3D Fighting
Terminator Salvation - 2 dvd - Action
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion - 1 dvd - Action Oriented RPG
The Hell in Vietnam - 1 dvd - Action Adventure
The Last Remnant - 3 dvd - Role Playing Game
The Settlers - Heritage Of King - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
The Sim 2 ; Apartement live - 1 dvd - Life Simulation
The Sim 2 ; Deluxe - 1 dvd - Life Simulation
The Sims 2 : Bon Voyage - 1 dvd - Life Simulation
The Sims 3 - 2 dvd - Life Simulation
The Witcher - 3 dvd - Action Role Playing Game
Titan Quest - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Titan Quest Immortal Throne - 1 dvd - Role Playing Game
Tomb Rider Underworld - 2 dvd - Action Adventure
Top Spin 2 - 1 dvd - Sports
Transformer 2 Revenge Of The Fallen - 2 dvd - Sci Fi Adventure
Velvet Assassin - 2 dvd - Stealth Action Game
Wall-E - 1 dvd - Action
Wanted Weapons of Fate - 1 dvd - Action
WarCraft III : Reign of Chaos + DaemonCraft - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
Warhammer 40,000 : Dawn of War II - 1 dvd - Real Time Strategy
X-Blades - 1 dvd - Action
X-men Origin Wolverine - 2 dvd - Action
Zeno Clash - 1 dvd - Action
Contact me
Yahoo : Davin.tand
Selasa, 10 Maret 2009
Tips mengatasi bau badan
Tips Mengatasi Bau Badan
Post by : tand
Mengatasi bau badan (BB) tentu bukan hal yang mudah. Meski rajin mandi dan memakai wangi-wangian, kadang tidak cukup ampuh mengusir BB. Tapi jangan panik, Whatzup akan beri tips tips untuk mengatasi bau badan. Coba deh!
Untuk yang biasanya paling males kalo mandi, sekarang cobalah biasakan rajin mandi. Mandi nggak hanya bisa membersihkan badan saja loh, tapi juga dapat menyegarkan pikiran. Nggak percaya!? Makanya mandi, hehehehe…
Gunakan Deodoran atau anti perspirant
setelah mandi jangan lupa menggunakan deodorant atau anti perspirant. Soalnya Deodorant mampu mengatasi bau badan saat beraktivitas seharian
Banyak minum air putih
Perbanyaklah minum air putih. Hindari minuman berkafein, coklat, dan juga lemak. Hindari juga makan makanan ataupun sayur-sayuran yang berbau menyengat seperti jengkol, petai dan sejenisnya.
Hindari stres
Salah satu faktor lain yang menyebabkan bau badan adalah stres. Pasalnya stres bisa memacu produksi keringat. Akibatnya kelenjar Ekrin dan Aprokin menjadi lebih aktif. Makanya usahakan menjauhi stres.
Softdrink bisa merusak gigi
Post by : tand
Para peneliti melakukan uji coba keasaman pada sekitar
Berikut beberapa tips bagi kesehatan mulut :
- Gunakan sedotan yang ditempatkan di bagian belakang atau dalam mulut sehingga mencegah adanya kontak cairan dengan gigi.
- Kumurlah mulut dengan air bersih setelah mengonsumsi minumman berasam
- Batasilah asupan sejumlah minuman ringan yang mengandugn soda, minuman energi atau minuman olahraga